Thursday, May 3, 2007

Updated ideas

We would like to make more images (related to the Waste Land poem),using the movement of text and also mixing it with the dance movie we already shoot before.
For the sound effect, we will definitely include the English version of the poem.

We will make sure with the Skyp and get connected with a dancer. The the piano will be surrounded by 3 screens: 1st one for the image of a dancer (right side), 2nd one for the text of the poem (left side), 3rd one for the image of ‘loneliness’ (in the middle, facing the piano)

I am learning so much while I am participating the final project and I must say that I am very excited for the progress that we are making. My other team members are truly wonderful and inspiring that I can not wait to see how our final product will come out later.

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